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San Jose | How to Avoid Eye Injuries at Work.

Guidelines for How to Avoid Eye Injuries at Work

Berryessa Optometry Prescription Safety and Sports Glasses in San Jose, California

Many eye diseases can be quickly and easily diagnosed during a Comprehensive eye exam, Pediatric eye exam and Contact lens eye exam. If you were diagnosed with an eye disease, such as Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, Diabetic retinopathy, or Dry eye, you may be overwhelmed by the diagnosis and confused about what happens next. Will you need medications or surgery – now or in the future? Is LASIK eye and vision surgery an option for you ? Our San Jose eye doctor is always ready to answer your questions about eye disease and Contact lenses.

Local Eye clinic in San Jose, California

Work-related eye injuries occur approximately 20,000 times per year. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, these accidents comprise up to $300 million in lost productivity, treatment and worker compensation, annually.
While you may find these numbers staggering, what’s even more shocking is that about 90% of eye injuries could have been prevented if proper safety precautions had been followed.

Prevention is worth more than your eye doctor’s cure

By adhering to safety guidelines, namely by wearing protective eye gear, you can avoid the vast majority of emergency visits to your local eye clinic!

Look out for on-the-job dangers

Eye injuries can be due to a wide variety of causes, but in general there are four primary categories of hazardous causes:

  • Tools and equipment
  • Flying or falling objects
  • Contact with chemicals
  • Shooting sparks and particles

Ways to safeguard your sight

If you work in construction or with heavy machinery, you can minimize the danger to your eyes by using work screens, machine guarding, or similar protective measures. Most importantly, you should wear eye protection that’s suitable for your job. Goggles and safety glasses are essential gear for anyone who is around machinery or chemicals. Take care to purchase quality eyewear from your eye clinic, free of any defects or scratches that could disrupt your clear vision.

To ensure that you’re wearing the best protective eyewear for your needs, it’s vital to consult with your optometrist or eye doctor. Eye care professionals are familiar with all the features of goggles and safety glasses, and they can recommend the most appropriate options.

Eye emergency? Don’t delay – seek expert eye care immediately!

In the event of an eye injury, respond rapidly; contact your eye doctor promptly for assistance. If you suspect that a piece of metal or shard of glass pierced your eye, head to a nearby hospital for emergency eye care, because these types of injuries can cause permanent vision damage.

While not every work-related injury can be foreseen and prevented, taking common-sense precautions and seeking treatment from your optometrist or eye doctor as soon as possible can certainly minimize your risk of vision loss.

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  • Closed

Friday and Saturday: Early appts available on request

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We are currently open by appointment only for all services to reduce the number of people in the office. Please contact our office to get our soonest availability for an exam.

Due to COVID-19, we are taking precautions to ensure your safety and well being, as it remains our highest priority. Our staff is diligently adhering to CDC guidelines and other healthcare recommendations and required protocols.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Hung D. Mac, OD & Staff